Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Muffin Top - You knew this post was coming

I've never been a skinny-mini, and it's always annoyed me.  Unfortunately for me, I love food too much to have felt like I could really change.  I almost think food has become an addiction.  I know what you're thinking, "Food an addiction?  It's not like you can give it up.  You have to eat or else you die!"  ... or at least something along those lines.

Yes, food is a necessity, but it can become an addiction.  I'm not constantly hungry, I'm not constantly craving foods, but I snack ALL DAY LONG.  It's actually kind of disgusting.  Every once in a while I try to give up the constant snacking.  I try to set specific meals; I try to avoid buying snacks when I'm grocery shopping; yet somehow I still manage to find snacks in my cupboard.  What do you do in that situation?

Now that it's warming up (no it's not, look out the window) everytime I want a snack, everytime I go to my cupboard other than at mealtimes I have to go for a walk, swim, or find something else useful to do (that doesn't involve spending money).  I want to be active.  I want to be a better asset to a team when I get drafted to play a game of basketball with the ward.  I want to be able to climb the stairs from the Smith Fieldhouse to the top of campus without being completely winded.  I want to be able to run a mile without giving up to walk at some point.  I want to be able to reach the top of Timp during a midnight hike in the middle of summer.

And of course, I want to look good.  I know that's not the most important part of being healthy, but it's really what everyone wants.  No one can deny that they want to look good.  Even the slobbiest person in the world looks for their positive qualities - a great smile, nice eyes, whatever.  Everyone wants to look good in some way.  I know I've got good qualities already - I love my hair.  I love my eyes.  I love my teeth.  But I know I can improve.  I want to be able to dress to impress.  I feel like being larger I am much more limited in my options of dressing well.  I don't look good in a lot of styles.  I don't look great in a swimsuit.  I can't stand wearing shorts, and I don't like short-sleeved shirts too much either.

I know a lot of this is just being insecure, but I do need to work on my appearance.  God gave me this body as one of His most precious gifts to mankind, who am I to destroy that gift?  I should cherish it and give it the care it deserves.  I should start treating it more appropriately and appreciatively.

So in my effort to fix this problem I have set some goals for myself this coming month:

1. Limit time on TV and any internet site not being used for homework - become social!
2. Don't eat when bored - go for a walk or do something active!
3. Walk to campus - it's such a nice walk too (especially when it starts getting warmer)
4. Work out every day after class
5. Go to ward basketball every week!

Of course there are more things to do than just those - but that's how it's going to start out.  I'll keep you posted.

Have a great day! :)

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