Sunday, February 13, 2011

"Families Can be Together Forever" and Crushes - 2 Lemons Today

I woke up very excited for the day - it's Sunday, my favorite day of the week!  I went to church excited to see friends and a boy that I'm crushing on.  I was ready to feel the Spirit and listen to words I needed to hear.  Sacrament meeting went very well; there were great lessons given about families.  There wasn't really much that definitely stuck out that I felt impressed that it was council given specifically for me, but I really enjoyed the talks.  Then came the closing hymn:  "Familes Can Be Together Forever".  I don't love this song - it always makes me cry.  Lemon #1

I've had so many losses in my family that I can't help but think of them (especially my brother, Bryce and nephew Cody) when this song begins to play.  By the end of the first verse my eyes are trickling and my mascara starts to run.  By the end of the second chorus I'm pretty much a wreck so through the entire closing prayer I was sniffling much too much, but then it was time to face the crowds and get a move on to Sunday school classes so I composed myself and put a smile on.  The smile wore off when I saw a crush holding another girl's hand.

I thought I was over him.  I thought I switched my focus onto another guy.  I guess this crush just hasn't completely faded.  I was hoping to see my newer crush and let flirting with him take my mind off the old crush today... but he didn't come to my class.  I was stuck with that image in my head all day because my new crush didn't sit by me.  Lemon #2.

During class my teacher gave an example about the Atonement and Resurrection using a story about his little brother who had passed away.  Brought back up Lemon #1 and of course I start to cry again.

These lemons are not the worst lemons I've had to endure, but they are a pain to deal with.  They're not the easiest to make lemonade out of - but it is possible. 

Lemonade #1 - Realize that the song rings true.  Families CAN be together forever, and I WILL see my brother and nephew again someday.  Think back on happy times with them.  Love them.

Lemonade #2 - Talk to the newer crush tonight at Ward Prayer.  Flirt it up, and hopefully that will distract from whoever the old crush is with in the background.  This may not sound like the best recipe, but hopefully it works.  And hopefully the new crush will be a better focus anyway.  Maybe, just  maybe, he might be more than a crush in the future.

Life is going to be full of lemons - sometimes just one lemon is thrown at you at a time, sometimes you have to take on 50 lemons.  It doesn't matter how many you receive, what matters is how you deal with each one individually.  You can't let one particularly sour lemon ruin the entire jar of lemonade.

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