Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some ways to make lemonade

When life gets pretty rough sometimes here are a few things to cheer me up (AKA Simple Pleasures):

Going to the Temple
Eating ice cream
Wearing a hat
Thinking back on a joke
Talking to someone you've lost connection with
Dancing to Disney music
Getting mail
Watching old movies
A friend's success
Receiving a compliment
Singing off-key
Giving service
Sitting on a hill
Feeling accomplished
Making cookies
Seeing boys wear a collared shirt and tie
Smell of pine and/or cinnamon
Making lists
Checking an item off a list
Taking off your shoes
Dancing through life
Talking all night
Smiling at strangers
Wearing a hoodie with the hood up
Warm blankets
Cozy socks
Spring warmth
Going for a walk - (in rain or shine)
Hot chocolate
Taking pictures
Being with the people you love
Knowing that a friend's got your back
Walking through Fall leaves
Looking through old pictures
Secret acts of service
Window shopping
Sitting around a fire
Running REALLY fast!
Watching YouTube videos of Disney stuff
Going to Disneyland (alright that one's not really a SIMPLE pleasure, but I like it :D )

There are many more simple pleasures, the list could go on for pages, but for now, I will keep it concise.

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