Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday nights... Lemons

Tonight I was psyched.  I made 2 batches of cookies (about 8 dozen?)  and cleaned up the apartment... I was ready for my game night!  ... About 8 people showed up.  I guess it was pretty poor planning... I only announced it like last night, I think?  And it's a long weekend so plenty of people decided to go home, but I thought there would be a few more people that would come.  Nope.  LEMON.

I thought it would be a good way to meet more people in the ward that I don't really know yet.  Didn't work out.  Haha, none of my roommates even came!  Poor pathetic excuse for a party if you ask me.

Oh well.  Next time I will plan a little better.  I will let people know more in advance.  I will not have the party on a Saturday night.  Whatever.  Life is good.

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