Friday, March 4, 2011

Guys who make and break plans

Okay, so as you may, or may not know I just visited Disneyland - a place I spent 8 months last year.  A place I worked, met new people, and built lasting friendships.  I had been expecting to spend some time with a guy that I had developed a crush on over those 8 months... a guy who I have been flirt-texting with for the past 6 months that I've been home.  We planned on a date... an actual date on Wednesday.  Never happened.

When my family pulled into Anaheim on Monday evening we (the guy and I) decided to hang out for a little while.  Nothing too exciting - we just went to Disneyland to drop off some of his old work stuff for about 5 minutes then we went to dinner at McDonald's.  Things weren't necessarily awkward between us, but they weren't naturally comfortable either.  That's just me.  I don't have enough dating experience to be very comfortable around guys (one-on-one) naturally.  After our semi-date was over and he dropped me back off at my hotel he realized it was still really early for the night to just be over (it was only 6:45), so invited me back out to do something else.  I was really tired, it had been a long day for me, so I said I'd just see him on Wednesday.

He didn't text me on Wednesday.  Didn't call.  Nothing.  What the heck.  Were things really THAT awkward?  I sure didn't think so.  I felt like a second date would have been better.  Especially if it were something simple like a movie night.  I thought that would have been perfect for our situation.  (Weird as that sounds, I feel like that's how we would have been able to connect the most and give us something to talk about.)

So our family planned to leave Anaheim on Friday morning (this morning).  I texted him Thursday night saying "I wish we could have spent more time together, darn it."  And he replied "aww".  That's it.  Something is not adding up.  I don't want to sit and keep puzzling over this, but it is really annoying.

My lemonade?  Get over it.  I don't see this guy often enough to establish a real relationship with him, and he's actually the complete opposite from what I really want in a guy.  Why am I so hung up on him?  I am really happy being single - I shouldn't let him get me down.  If I want a relationship I should find someone in Provo.  I really should let a guy find me.  I'm not going to be the chaser anymore.  Too much heartbreak is involved in that.

But really... life is good!  I just need to sit back and enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man Charity I'm sorry! Guys really do suck. My husband was awful at remembering things (I've tried to fix that a little). I also had an ex that would never talk to me unless we were together in person, which was ok I suppose but he wouldn't call me or text me..yeah that one ended pretty quickly hahahaha

    I don't have the most dating experience either, cuz I have only been on like 6 dates and had 3 boyfriends, one of them being my husband now. But I have never been one to run after guys. I would just show them myself and if they liked me, then maybe something would happen but I never really chased anyone. I think you will find the most amazing guy for you and who knows where you'll find him. Vould be in your next class, or just run into him on the street ;) Good luck in your search!

    P.S. LOVE your blog ;)
