Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Resolutions 2014

Well hello my friends and followers!  Here we are again at the beginning of a new year.  (I don't believe I've posted at all within the last calendar year, and for that I apologize.  However, I do not apologize if I do not post much this coming year, I plan to be very busy as you will see by my many 2014 New Year Resolutions.

This year I want to do the very best I can to increase my testimony, improve my health, expand my mind, and enjoy life's little moments.  In order to do so here are my dreams, my goals, and my plans for the upcoming year.  Perhaps I will continue blogging to keep my readers updated and share how I am or how I'm not staying on track.

Spiritual Progression - Increase Testimony

1. Serve others by offering Random Acts of Kindness to people who need to just know they are of worth and that they are loved.
2. Get 100% on my Visiting Teaching report.  Make sure the girls in my care know that someone is watching out for them.
3. Study, not just read, the Book of Mormon everyday and make notes
4. Visit the temple weekly and do family history work
5. Continue to be strengthened in resisting temptations and evil

Physical Progression - Improve Health

1. Run!  Improve stamina by adding either time or distance to daily running (prepare to run at least 2 half marathons this year)
2. Eat more fruits/veggies and try things that I've not prepared before
3. Prepare weekly menus (meals and snacks), stick to them, and don't eat after 8 pm.
4. No cheap junk food (Anything unhealthy that I consume must be a novelty and something that is not readily available.  Homemade sweets and nicer restaurants are okay in small quantities, but limit "off the shelf" candy/sweets and fast food.)

Educational Progression - Expand Mind

1. Get back on track in school (starting Spring Semester)
2. Read for pleasure instead of wasting time online, and watching TV
3. Take a course to get a concealed weapons permit

Just Have Fun! - Enjoy Life's Little Moments

1. Spend more time with family
2. Don't stress small things - with God's help, everything will fall into place
3. Try something new - learn to paint, play the piano or ukulele, etc.
4. Participate in activities that are more physical and explore nature - sledding, skating, hiking, bike rides, rock climbing, etc.  The sky is the limit!

Well, I hope that I can accomplish great things this year, and I also hope that I may have inspired you, my reader, to live life to the fullest and set your own goals.

Good luck, have a very happy new year and enjoy a new you!

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