Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Don't give up!

When you've been slothful, have poor eating habits, and are generally in bad health it can be frustrating starting to turn everything around at once, but if you start slowly you won't see results as quickly and will get discouraged anyway.  I'd rather be discouraged now and see results sooner.

This morning started well.  I went out and did my running (mostly walking with a little running intermingled) and though it wasn't great exercize right off the bat I felt good about it because I was starting to do SOMETHING.  I wasn't just spending my entire morning trying to sleep while the sun shown in my eyes.  I was up and doing.  I began my new lifestyle.

Not only did I start working out this morning, I also ate healthy foods.  I made some great choices!  Here's how my menu began for the day:

Breakfast - Multigrain cheerios with skim milk and 1/2 of a banana.
Lunch - 1/2 sandwhich (whole wheat bread, refried beans, turkey, swiss cheese, and spinach) with a celery stalk, grapes, and a glass of lemon-lime flavored water.  I had just a couple mini cadbury eggs left over from Easter as a "dessert".
Snack - cottage cheese and peaches

Then the munchies hit.  I knew I still had some Cadbury mini eggs so I took a handful. . . and another handful. . . pretty soon I had eaten half of my Easter basket. :(  Usually when the munchies hit I will pop in a stick of gum, but because I knew I had something sweet in my room I had to have it.  I was trying to space out the candy as after-lunch "desserts" just a couple at a time each day until they were gone, but now they're almost gone and I won't have to worry about that anymore... but I'm still disappointed that I did eat so many today.

However, I'm still working toward my goal because I can't wait to see results!  I'm also so dedicated to my long-term goal (Tinkerbell Half Marathon at Disneyland) that I will NEVER give up!  I want to dominate.  I will not give in!

1 comment:

  1. Girl you are so good hahahaha I'm so weak when it comes to chocolate. Well anything sweet actually hahaha but good for you! You'll get there I know it! ;)
