Friday, April 8, 2011

Captain Casey

Today I was watching an episode from the first season of my favorite television series - M*A*S*H.  The episode, titled Dear Dad Again shows the main character, Hawkeye writing a letter home to his family about various happenings around the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital in the middle of the Korean War.  In this episode we meet a character named Captain Casey.  He is a new surgeon to the MASH unit who Hawkeye praises (which is rare - Hawkeye usually looks down on most other surgeons, thinking they're not up to his level).  Later Captain Casey goes to see the Chaplain where he confesses that he isn't a surgeon.  Captain Casey admits that he's passed himself off as a lawyer, a surgeon, a teacher, and various other professional careers.  He can do it all, but he's never had the patience to go through the books.

This is where I find myself lately.  I'm not so vain as to think I can do it all, but I would like to do it all.  I can't settle on one major to study - I just don't have the patience to go through the books.  Today I found myself contemplating what I want to do with my life.  Do I want to continue in my current major of Family Life studies, or do I want to pursue a different field?  There are some classes that have taught me so much that I'd enjoy majoring in their departments, but for some reason or another I'm not taking the effort to switch directions.

I'm also losing patience in the work field.  I don't like my job, but I don't have the patience to create a new resume and get back in the job search.  I really don't like being tied down to one job for very long, and I've been working at Jamba Juice for about 9 months consecutively... that's probably the longest I've stayed at one job in my entire life.

I want to see it all, do it all.  I don't like to be tied down -  I don't think I want to be in any one particular major at all.  I think I'd much rather take entry-level classes from all majors.  I like learning at the level, but as soon as I find myself digging deeper into any subject, I'm scared that I'll get trapped and won't be able to get back out and learn other new things.

I'm Captain Casey.  I'd like to know it all, do it all, never have to settle into one career.  I'd like to try my hand at being a doctor, a lawyer, and a teacher.  Why isn't there an option like that?  Why isn't there a career in testing careers?

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