Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Am I Even an Apple? (Guest Post)

I never wantted to publish a guest post on my blog, but my friend, Erin Evans, wrote this and published it on facebook.  It hit me over the head.  This is how I often feel!  It was just too perfect for this blog for me to ignore. 

Am I Even an Apple? - by Erin

I've heard it said that girls are like apples and that the ones on top hardly ever get picked even though they are some of the juiciest and most delicious apples.  The boys go for the apples on the bottom that are easy to get even though they are not as good, maybe even rotten.  The apples (girls) on the top of the tree are going to have to wait around for a guy brave enough to risk falling to pick them.  But when that happens they will know that he is a really good guy.

I used to believe that I was one of those apples on the top of the tree, because as we all know, nothing ever happens to me.  But lately I've been feeling like maybe I'm not even an apple.  Maybe I'm an orange, something that the guys don't even come to the tree to pick.  They just look at the orange weirdly and move on to the apple that they want.  I could be anywhere on the tree, but I'm not the apple that they are looking for, I'm ignored.

Maybe someone will come up not really wanting an apple, but knowing that he's supposed to pick one.  Maybe then an orange would be a welcome sight.  Or gravity is just going to have to pull me off one of these days so I can fall one some guy's head and he'll decide that an orange is actually okay.

Oranges are just as good as apples.

Charity's Commentary:

Maybe there are some oranges on the apple tree.  Maybe I'm one of those oranges.  Guys come to the tree looking for an apple and are surprised to see an orange there.  Usually they are too taken aback that they look at the orange and move on to get an apple - because that's what they came looking for; they don't think about how good the oranges are.  There's the rare guy out there that is pleasantly surprised.  He comes to the apple tree often, never finding his favorite apple, and is excited to find something new.  Maybe the reason he hasn't found his apple is because he was really looking for an orange, but looking in the wrong place.

Being an orange on an apple tree can be frustrating, but it shouldn't be.  It just means that I stand out from the crowd - not in a bad way, just in a different way.  People obviously notice me.  Some may think I don't belong, some appreciate me for my differences.  Will a guy looking for an apple see me on this tree, in a place I technically don't belong and be frustrated with me?  Will he try to ignore me?  Or will he appreciate my differences?

Oranges are just as good as apples.  All girls are different, and all guys look for something different.  There isn't one perfect woman that every man would love to have.  One girl may be perfect for one guy, but couldn't possibly make another guy perfectly happy.  Just as the Lord created different fruits he created different people with different tastes.

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