Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Runner's Roadblocks

After reading a few blogs I've found posted by avid runners I realize I need to step it up a notch or two.  I've given myself a little slack because this is still so new to me and my biggest goal is to lose weight.  This should not be the case.  My biggest goal should be to be ready for the half marathon in January.  I keep kidding myself by getting into the midset that I still have 7 months to prepare and it's only 13.1 miles.  I cannot keep thinking that way!  I need to focus on the fact that I only have 7 months and it is 13.1 miles!  I'll be saying the same thing, but I've got to put it under a harsher light!  I also need to hurry up and get the money to register.  I think once I register I'll be more motivated!  I keep thinking to myself "Oh no!  What if they run out of slots?!"  Am I secretly hoping that they do before I find the funds?  I hope not!  I cannot stress enough how badly I want to shed these pounds, but I won't be motivated unless I find a reason.  The Tinkerbell Half Marathon is my reason.  I need to keep in my reason.  I need to hurry up and sign up so I can have my spot so I can have my motivation!

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