Sunday, May 29, 2011

Patience and Confidence

I may need to change the name of my blog - lately instead of being handed lemons, I've been given blessing after blessing!

Heavenly Father knows my weaknesses and my insecurities; He knows my fears and my sorrows.  I have been doing some deep thinking and sincerely praying and I know He's been listening to me.  For the longest time I think my answers have been "patience and confidence."  I needed to learn patience in this world where everything happens so fast.  I needed to learn to be more confident.  I've felt like I had so much to learn and I needed to take a long time to learn them both.

Today is not the time to go into depth about my personal prayers and my insecurities.  They're not something I want to publish for the world - this is between me and my Father in Heaven.

What this post is meant to say is that if you feel like you're not getting an answer to your prayers don't give up on Him.  Just because He's not answering you in the way you want doesn't mean He's not listening.  Just practice some patience and keep praying!  He is listening; He alone knows exactly what you're going through.

I am so blessed to be a part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  I've grown up being taught that He is there and that He listens to me.  I've never doubted the truthfulness of the Gospel, and I never will.