Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's been a while since I posted an actual lemon, but here's one for you - masks.  I hate them, everything about them.  I used to think clowns were my biggest irrational fear, but I've discovered that masks are much worse.

The other night some girls in the ward came out of their apartment wearing these while everyone was meeting up to play night games.  I flipped out and booked it back to the apartment - one chased me, not realizing that I was seriously scared to death.  Over the next few weeks she kept apologizing for scaring me so badly.  Of course I forgave her because she didn't know what she was doing.

Tonight, however, 2 people came over to a friend's apartment where we were playing games wearing masks.  One came in the sliding glass door, the other was outside the apartment at the front door - I was trapped.  I hid my eyes until they left but my heart was still racing.  Finally I was able to calm down and continue playing games with the group.  About 30 minutes later they came back.  I looked away but I heard them walk in and say my name.  I laid down on the couch with my head behind another girl's back hoping they'd take a hint and leave.  Someone started rubbing my back saying "Charity, just look, you don't even know who this is."  Honestly, do you think I wanted to know?!  I don't care what the mask looks like.  If I can't see your face/read your emotions I will NOT look at you.  I beat her arms away and finally they all left.

Long story short - if you think you're funny and you're trying to get a laugh out of me, don't wear a mask.  There's nothing funny about it.  I will not laugh, I will probably not look at you.  I will not easily forgive if it's been done more than once, I will probably hold a grudge.  People - DON'T DO IT!!!!

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