Thursday, October 13, 2011

Disney College Program round 2!

Tonight I applied once again for the Disney College Program, but this time there was a very special surprise in store!  At the meeting they told us that in the past you were only allowed to apply for Walt Disney World OR the Disneyland Resort; but for the first time in history they opened it up to where you can now apply for both programs!  The really cool thing about that is the fact that you don't have to apply for the same roles in both resorts!

Walt Disney World
I've never been to Walt Disney World, so it would be really fun to work there, but there are only 2 roles I'd accept there; I applied for Character and Character Host!  Tomorrow I have my audition to be a character and I am so excited!  There I'll get to learn a choreographed routine (I think from a parade) and do some character work.  I can't even put into words how excited I am!

Another great point about working in Walt Disney World instead of Disneyland is the fact that I could work there just for summer (April to August)!  That means I wouldn't have to miss a semester of classes, I wouldn't have to try to sell my housing contract, and I wouldn't have to leave my roommates and my amazing ward for more than 4 months.

I would absolutely LOVE to go back to Disneyland - it's really my dream to work there again!  I'd love to just make a career out of it, but I think for now I'll just go for the college program and possibly continue as a cast member as a Campus Rep.  Oh man, I've forgotton how much I really enjoyed it last time!  Though I would have to take school time off to work at Disneyland (they only offer the program January-August) I would just love it!  I just can't get over my excitement!!!  I can't even put into words what I'm feeling right now... if someone walked into my apartment they'd be so confused... oh my!

The biggest obstacle in my path is the down payment.  If I have to pay my first month rent upfront, I just don't see it happening.  Right now I'm such a broke, poor college student.  I really wish I could get around it somehow though... We'll just see what happens!

I know this blog post has been all over the place and I apologize for that, but I am so flustered and excited about the college program again!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you!!!! It's so great that you're doing so many fun things. I hope you get the Disney World gig, since it's an all new thing for you. A new city to explore. I'll admit it, I'm a little bit jealous.
