Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Happy Thoughts

The opening shifts at Jamba Juice are my favorite shifts for many reasons.  The opening crew is great - these people are just happy people.  Of course we all have our bad days or bad moments, but these people get over those bad moments rather than dwelling on them and bringing their problems to work.  Whether it's blasting Disney music in the store or playing "Guess that Disney song/character" it's hard to stay down in an atmosphere that is so positive.

Yesterday my friend, Susan, introduced me to a game she's played many times - the "Happy Thoughts" game.  Every 15 minutes you write down something that makes you happy.  To make it even more challenging for us, after we were an hour or two into the game we decided we couldn't use any more Disney happy thoughts.  It was more fun to come up with things unrelated to Disney, because then we notice how truly blessed we are.

My list included things such as:  rain, reading, ukuleles, going on walks, and writing in my journal.  Susan's list included:  cooking, anything that smells like pumpkin, and cutting out paper snowflakes.  Nick's list was probably the most entertaining because he played it off as more of a joke, but still happy thoughts:  Covering and uncovering his ears while vacuuming (making funny noises), orange carrot juice, and looking (out-of-focus) at Christmas lights.

All of these happy thoughts, whether on my own list or on theirs, could have been on my own.  There are so many things that I could have written, but there just wasn't enough time to list them all.  This is definitely a game I'd like to play throughout each day.  It's kind of like finding those simple pleasures in life and just going with it.  There are so many little things in life that can make a person happy, it's hard to understand why there is so much sadness in the world.

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