Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Every time the rain begins to fall I can't help but start to smile.  When it turns into a full-blown thunderstorm and downpour of rain I get really excited!

Rain isn't the typical favorite kind of weather.  For many it can be a least favorite because it disrupts plans to be outside for the day, takes a toll on travel, and just looks gloomy.  There are many songs dedicated to rain as being a bad thing; Bring on the Rain, Come on Rain, and Rainy Days and Mondays just to name a few.  Poor rain, it gets such a bad reputation.

I, for one, absolutely love the rain.  It really is my favorite weather.  When I tell that to my friends and family they give me a strange look and say "Ya, I like the rain, but I'd much rather have sun."  I tell them I'm the other way around.  When it rains I feel calm.  I love being outside during a rainstorm - taking a walk, reading on my balcony, whatever it takes to get me near that water that falls from the heavens.  It's beautiful, crisp, and clear. 

I can't explain it completely, but it's just perfect.  Besides, you can never have the rainbow without a little rain.

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