Monday, June 20, 2011

I didn't get the guy I wanted, but I knew all along that he wouldn't make me happy

A few weeks ago I was "dating" a guy in my ward.  I really enjoyed spending time with him - we always did fun things together - Hostess raids, nerf dart attacks on his roommates, movie nights, just fun stuff!  Eventually we kind of dissolved.  I should have known it was coming from the start because we never really talked - all along we were just friends/cuddle buddies.  When we actually talked about everything I wasn't upset about just being friends though.  The only time I was upset about the situation was during the day when I had nothing else to think about - I thought about him.  I thought about other girls in the ward going after him and vice versa.  I was jealous when I had those thoughts, but everytime I would actually see him I was happy to call him my friend.

We're more like Harry and Hermione

Yesterday I saw him with his new girlfriend - someone not in the ward.  I was happy for him!  The girl he was with looked very nice - looked like someone who has and will make him happy.  I know it sounds weird, but I am genuinely happy for him and I hope he'll be happy with her.

I know I'm better off without him.  I wouldn't make him happy, and I've realized he wouldn't have made me happy.  It's not just about having any boyfriend - there really needs to be some chemistry going on.  For us, there never was.  I wanted him because I liked the idea of dating someone, not neccessarily dating him.

I didn't get the guy, but I am so much better off and so much happier!

1 comment:

  1. I love how positive you are!!
    He wasn't the one, I like the saying "When you know, you know". I believe you just know from the start. Let me know when you wanna go to the airport, hahaha! That's such a good idea :)
    I can't wait unti Thursday!! Love you.
