Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas is Coming!

It's almost Christmas; just 5 more days until it's actually here!  I am definitely excited about it, but with the lack of snow, it just doesn't feel like it should already be December 20th.  Before Thanksgiving I was so grateful that the snow was absent, but now I'm wishing it was here now, and even sooner.  Crazy.

I've been keeping myself busy, trying to get into the Christmas spirit, but without the snow there's so much I can't do that I wish I could!  I have been watching any and all Christmas movies I can get my hands on, I've blown up my iPod with Christmas music (at least 30% of all my music is now Christmas music!).  I've decorated my apartment, I built and set up my advent calandar a month ago... but it still doesn't feel right.

It probably won't actually hit me until Saturday night.  I can't wait til the Nydegger party - that's what I look forward to every year!  Unfortunately, this could very well be the last year we do it on Christmas Eve.  :(  It's just one of those traditions that I love more than anything and will be devastated when it's over.  Ah.....

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